With telepresence robots, there are no excuses for families to continue to be separated.

It's time to solve elder isolation and depression. Leverage telepresence technology to ensure elders are more connected to their loved ones then ever before.

Attention Aged Care Facility Managers!

For Two Years We've Battled A Fight With Unimaginable Consequences.

The aged care sector is currently facing a range of challenges, from staff shortages to infection outbreaks. This can make it difficult for families to connect with their loved ones who are in care.

Smart operators are overcoming these challenges by leveraging telepresence robots. These robots can be used to facilitate video calls between families and onsite residents. This has proven to reduce anxiety, boost morale and increase resident engagement providing a valuable source of social interaction for residents who may be feeling isolated.

Using telepresence in aged care also mitigates any risk of the spread of infections and improves communication between residents and their loved ones. In addition, telepresence robots can

Technology That Is Good For Business Too.

Savvy operators have also cottoned to the fact that these robots are extremely versatile devices, with many facility managers deploying the devices to cover a range of business problems including;

  • Facilitating remote virtual tour visits for prospective clients
  • Enabling management to have better oversight of the facilities
  • Allowing Remote specialists access to residences for telehealth consultations. 
  • Sharing administration resources between multiple facilities
  • Orientations for the training of staff 
  • Remote quality assurance checks and auditing and the list goes on.

Book your hands-on demo to see how telepresence can supercharge your aged care management strategy.


Spend more time with the people that matter the most.


By cutting down on the amount of time teams spend travelling.


Running multiple facilities can be a headache, but you can be everywhere you need to be with telepresence


Face-to-face contact without face-t0-face contact. zero risk of infections.

Let Margie explain.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact the healthcare industry, healthcare professionals are searching for ways to keep staff and patients safe.

Telepresence technology offers a solution, enabling doctors and nurses to interact with patients while maintaining a safe distance remotely. Isolation wards, in particular, can significantly benefit from telepresence, as it allows healthcare workers to communicate with multiple patients without the risk of exposure to the virus.

Are you still asking How is this different to Skype/Teams/Google video call? 🤔


For aged care, telepresence robots have several advantages over video calling.

  • First, telepresence robots do not require users to accept the call. Instead, they can be used to send invitations for a robot visit.
  • Second, staff don't need to hold iPads during virtual visits. This frees up staff time and allows them to focus on providing care.
  • Third, telepresence robots provide a more immersive experience for both the user and the visitor.
  • Fourth, telepresence robots can be used in a variety of settings, including private homes, nursing homes, hospitals, and assisted living facilities.
Telepresence Video Calling
Easy to use, no need for a staff member to accept the call

Families can remotely move with the resident as they walk with the facility

Clear dialogue audio, to hear and be heard from across the room

Low latency two-way natural communication with height control, so families can see eye-to-eye (not up people's noses!) from a sitting or standing position

Feel present with their family no matter where they are in the world

No "hangups" by accidentally pressing the call disconnect button 

Safety first - no need to hold an iPad - and obstacle avoidance means no one's feet is being run over

Simple to use QR visitor pass access passes which with no software downloads or apps required. 

"no-touch" is necessary for initiating a call. 

Telepresence robots have been shown to provide a more lifelike experience that is closer to face-to-face conversation.

This is due to the fact that telepresence robots allow users to retain eye contact and body language cues that are essential for communication.

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A telepresence robot is a type of service and a personal robot that allows a user to remotely interact with and control the robot's movements. The robot is equipped with a camera, audio system, and other sensors that allow the user to see and hear what the robot is experiencing.

Telepresence robots are commonly used in aged care facilities to help residents stay connected with family and friends. The robots can also be used to help residents participate in activities, such as arts and crafts, that they may not be able to do on their own. By using a telepresence robot, aged care facilities can provide their residents with a higher quality of life.

telepresence robot can be used for a range of tasks, from teleconferencing to providing remote assistance. This versatile technology is now being explored for use in healthcare, specifically for nurse training.

The ability to provide real-time feedback and guidance from a distance can be invaluable for new nurses who are learning the ropes. Additionally, telepresence robots can help to reduce the risk of infection by allowing trainees to interact with patients without coming into direct contact.

Given the many potential benefits, it's likely that telepresence robots will play an increasingly important role in nurse training in the years to come.

Telepresence robots are becoming increasingly popular in aged care facilities. These high-tech devices allow residents to stay connected with loved ones who live far away.

They also provide an extra level of security, as they can be used to monitor activities and check on patients throughout the day. While telepresence robots can be expensive, many facilities offer subsidies or discounts for residents who use them. As a result, the cost of these devices is often quite reasonable.

You can always request a quote or get a hands-on demo to learn more.

Telepresence robots are an increasingly popular way to provide support for onsite nursing teams. By allowing a remote nurse to virtually "shadow" the onsite team, telepresence robots can help to improve patient care and communication. In addition, telepresence robots can be used to provide educational support for onsite nursing teams.

By providing a live feed of the robot's actions, telepresence robots can help to educate nurses on best practices and improve patient outcomes. Ultimately, telepresence robots have the potential to revolutionize the way nursing teams provide care.

There are many reasons why telepresence robots are a better option than video conferencing for nursing homes. For one thing, telepresence robots provide a much more immersive experience. Residents can actually see and interact with the person on the other end, rather than just looking at a screen.

Additionally, telepresence robots are designed to be mobile, so residents can move around freely while they chat. This is especially important for residents who may be confined to bed or have limited mobility.

Video conferencing, on the other hand, requires everyone to stay in one place. In conclusion, telepresence robots offer a number of advantages over video conferencing for nursing homes.

TeleIn is the leading supplier of aged care telepresence robots in Australia. As the ageing population continues to grow, TeleIn's robots are becoming increasingly popular among nursing homes and other care facilities.

TeleIn's robots allow residents to stay connected with their loved ones, without having to leave the comfort of their own homes. The robots can also be used to provide entertainment and social interaction.

TeleIn offers both short-term and long-term leases on its robots, so you can choose the option that best suits your needs through their Robot-as-a-Service program. Whether you're looking for a way to keep your loved ones close or you're searching for a new way to provide social interaction and entertainment for your residents, contact TeleIn for more information.